Friday, February 16, 2007


Peralah, metalica? Porra, esse negocio eh amarelo e branco mae, oh!! eh azuleijo!!! Eu jurava que era aluminio ou algo do tipo

(Zeh henrique, pensei com carinho no seu pedido de levar um praih, mas acho que ainda eh muito cedo pra ser deportado....)

1 comment:

Rhiannon Jones said...

Hey Le,
I loved the photos, it looks like you are having a fantastic time in Sydney. Can't wait to see you on Sunday. Canberra is no way near as interesting as Sydney though LOL! If you don't get to see everything in Sydney you want, you can always go back, it takes about 2 hours in the bus and only costs around $15 to get there. I'll pick you up on Sunday from the airport.
Love your Australia sister